In the world of the blogosphere, we all know Susie Lau, aka Susie Bubble of the renowned Style Bubble fashion blog. For those of you that don't know Susie, and I'm sure that's not many of you, Susie works for Dazed and Confused and is one of the first bloggers to make the fashion world sit up and take notice of blogging and how it influences the industry. She's what, I think, every fashion blogger aspires to. I am in fact her number one fan! Well maybe not her number one fan, seen as every time I log on to http://stylebubble.typepad.com/ some new fan has drawn a freakishly alike illustration of the bubble herself. You know you've really hit the big time when random portraits come through your letter box, simply signed with an x!
Susie has a style that not many would be able to carry off, an blase atttiude to fashion yet perfectly in tune with whats going on in the industry. To me the Bubble is the not only the queen of blogs, she's the queen of layering. Not many people can carry off an oversized cable knit snood, PVC biker jacket, acid yellow trousers and a kink in her fringe.
I love that whatever she wears, or what she photographs stood on her ultra urban apartment balcony, she wears with conviction and confidence. I think she has the type of look that shouts quirky and personally I wouldn't have her any other way. Susie, you truely are Queen Blogger and Queen Style all rolled into one big fashionistas wish list!

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