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Pakistan Fashion Week Pictures

Pakistan Fashion Week Pictures

As Pakistan's army battled religious extremists in South Waziristan, Karachi's top designers sent models down catwalks with bare shoulders and exposed navels in an unusual display of skin in a country where most women cover up.

karachi pakistan fashion week

'Only a thin line between Indian and Pakistani fashion'

There is very little difference between Indian and Pakistani fashion, says Pakistani designer Huma Adnan, who has carved out a niche for herself in her country's fashion industry, having moved out of the shadow of designer husband Amir Adnan.

"If you look closely at the garments of the two countries, you will realise that there is not much of a difference in the craft. It's just the colours and threads that are different. After all the region is the same," Huma told during a recent visit here.

"The crafts are very similar, the embroidery is also similar. The only difference is that they are just put together in a different manner depending on the region and people. You can say that it is just a difference in flavor."

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karachi pakistan fashion weekkarachi pakistan fashion weekkarachi pakistan fashion weekkarachi pakistan fashion week
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